Main (positional) Meaning:
You embark upon a new journey or quest with optimism and high spirits.
The card in the Self position touches on an aspect of how you perceive yourself right now, including how at peace you are with and within yourself.
The Knight of Wands (in some decks, a Prince) in this position indicates readiness for a voyage of personal discovery or an important mission to help spread good works in the world. You are prepared for the journey, your effects are in order, you are in great shape and the excitement of departure prevails.
Inside you there is a powerful feeling of youthful idealism, as well as a bit of daring naivet‚ -- you have no idea if this is going to be difficult or not, but those problems are tomorrow's problems. Today the energy is high, spirits are bright, the sky is clear and if there ever was a heroic and noble impulse in you, you are getting a chance to express it now.
The Sun
in the "Situation" Position
Main (positional) Meaning:
To have it all together and to be doing your best work is pure pleasure.
The Situation position refers to the general set of influences that surround you and affect your personal experience of peace. We all have to deal with conflict and are affected by the process.
When the Sun is in this position, you may be in charmed circumstances. Synchronicities may be occurring that deliver all the materials you need, thus setting up situations where you meet the people who can help you.
This is an exciting time in your life. The fascinating and challenging projects coming your way may be motivating you to do your best and most creative work. This is one of those harmonious periods when boundaries between work and play tend to disappear. Enjoy this graceful time for as long as it lasts.
Ten of Swords
in the "Challenges/ Opportunities" Position
Main (positional) Meaning:
The challenge has to do with overcoming adversity, or it may be appropriate for you to reconsider current plans.
The card in the Challenges/Opportunities position reflects how you can use creativity and skill to turn conflicts into harmonious understanding.
The Ten of Swords in this position says "Know when to cut your losses." Tap the good sense Nature gave you and let go of the situation, accepting that it cannot bear a lot of positive fruit right now. Certain lines of development are not worth following right now, no matter what promises or expectations may have been made.
There may be no advantage in traveling this road any longer. Outrageous developments have effectively negated agreements or expectations. It's like the system has crashed and the progress you thought you had made is lost. The lesson in a case like this is to know when and how to detach yourself from a situation. Don't go down with the ship ... he or she who fights and runs away will live to fight another day!
Daily Reading
Your Reading
Card Name: Two of Coins
Position: Situation
Position: Situation
Meaning Type:
Card Meaning
Resist the impulse to join those around you who are becoming polarized in opposing camps.Position Description
The card that lands in the Situation position refers to the circumstances you find yourself in with regard to your concern.Ask yourself -- are all the facts in yet? Or do unknowns still govern the day? If you are patient, you will spare yourself grief, while truth reveals itself in its own good time. Don't let fear have its way with you -- you may discover the situation was never as serious as it seemed.
Your Reading
Card Name: The Devil
Position: Opportunities
Position: Opportunities
Meaning Type:
Card Meaning
Get in touch with your deepest passions and instinct, so they can be channeled to benefit everyone.Position Description
The card in the Challenges/Opportunities position reflects how you can use creativity to turn a crisis or challenge into an opportunity.These powerfully transformative times demand that we learn to handle unpredictable and unimagined experiences with poise. That can't be done if you fall into judgment, unbridled lust or any other form of emotional or physical addiction. If you can participate in this arousing situation without completely losing your composure, you will be of great value to your friends, family and community. You have some powerful energy within you. Let it express, but channel that expression for good.
Your Reading
Card Name: King of Wands
Position: Advice
Position: Advice
Meaning Type:
Card Meaning
The possibility of success is open to you. There are no substantial obstacles.Position Description
The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible.You are the determining factor in this situation and circumstances will proceed in the direction that you steer them. Indecision or doubt are not appropriate responses when clarity and confidence are critical. As you take on a bigger role, it will begin to feel more comfortable.
Seize the opportunity to influence events, because everything is waiting for you.
Card Name: Five of Wands
Position: Daily Lesson
Position: Daily Lesson
Meaning Type:
Card Meaning
By coming out of your retreat you can articulate a cooperative worldview.Position Description
The card in the Lesson position represents the personal investment or sacrifice required to derive full benefit from your current situation.Attracting attention to new ideas can stir up and help direct energy away from a self absorbed or complacent worldview toward a more cooperative and mutually supportive model. If you choose to play this role, and if you decide to be true to serving the greater good, your personal ambition will also be fulfilled.
Card Name: Eight of Swords
Position: Near Future
Position: Near Future
Meaning Type:
Card Meaning
You may be tested. Be prepared to defend your viewpoint, choices, and reasoning.Position Description
The card in the Near Future position indicates which way the wind is blowing with regard to your situation. If you follow the Advice card, however, you can improve on or neutralize tendencies.You will need both stamina and flexibility to navigate the challenge before you. Take the time to prepare yourself -- both physically and emotionally -- by resting and eating well. It is too late to change the events in question, but if you let integrity be your guide, you will likely come through the examination with a greater sense of self-knowledge and self-respect.
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