Much in my life turns to the Mayan. Is it just the upcoming 2012 date/s? Maybe. As a solar being that is moving into Transparency I find that I am freeing myself from this definition. Allowing myself the ability to discover and celebrate the divine child. Capable of exploring and playing any part with out attachment. Today I play the Yogi Cleanser purifying the mistakes in combining my energy and food. Learning where emotions are hidden and using the breathe and stretch to work through. I have played this role for the last 10 days. Living on the master cleanse, salt flushes, and herbal teas. Becoming lighter in my density. Clarity sets me free. I gain wisdom into the nature of clans, tribes and community from within my self. I identify with the roles I play. I identify with the people I invite to reflect me day to day. Then learning to use a Mirror Cubed to reflect the transcendental portal of bliss/love/harmony/joy/peace and absolute growth. I identify with the roles I avoid or Resist. I am willing to ask why.
Some may look at my words and say why do you combine a cleanse with roles? I answer, when we identify and partake in roles that are unhealthy/non resonance, we also participate/allow residence in a energy exchange that causes emotional, spiritual and eventual physical havoc. Sometimes subtle, sometimes drama"tic" (tendency in common), either path is a breakdown that will show up in our mirror and under a micro scope. At the Molecular level we become tainted and only our awareness of our Magical Divinity allows us to play the roles that are serious, angry, stuck, confused, stubborn, and learn to, through wisdom and knowledge we get to undefine ourselves. Its all just a game right?
I am Creating an Open Door (Stargate/Portal) to Transparency in which I respond in the moment from a Position of Trusting the Divine. Then the projections of others will go right through me with out the need to personalize them into emotional reactions or hurt feelings/stagnation from the old paradigm education. Wisdom tells me that when I find myself reacting I am identifying. My actor is given a focus to explore and transform the roles and costumes in my Life closet.
There is Nothing to do, nothing to Know. I Simple Am that which I am. Transparent.
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