I am very interested In how we can all grow together. The first step to that is to get to know each other. Where we come from, why. What challenges have we had in life? What effects has the Old Paradigm had on our Well being? What we think in our Mind. What we feel in our hearts. These are the Platform questions, so that we can more easily understand each others space. With this as a beginning in our communications we can shed the past like a old skin. Releasing what does not serve us. We can awaken to the new possibilities, inspired by the knowing of our brothers and sisters. We can find synergy where we thought we were the only ones. We can get well. We can heal our minds, and our hearts together as one. We the People are those who can function alone. In a group. In three's, eights, 64's or any other number and because we know who we are working with, we can synergize and synchronize like never before. We do this by understanding the true Grid and how to work within. We discuss this in our Existence Platform.
It does not matter where you come from. We can move out of judgements, because honestly people when your lied to how you can you be held accountable for where you ended up. What matters is where your willing to come from now. It does not matter what lies were told to you (that you bought over and over again) you can prevent another lie tomorrow, by being true to you and learning the very powerful tool of intuition and resonance or truth tests. You can prevent another lie today, by speaking your truth and let others know, who support you, where your at. You can prevent another lie, by stepping up for yourself and taking that stance as 1% that is ready and willing to be of service. You can learn to be unafraid, because we join hands in a circle of those who have seen our way. We can move as One in the truth that we create.
Today I create my Cornerstone of Freedom upon Peace (inner grounding) Joy (that path of NO RESISTANCE) Harmony (Being ONE with all that IS) and Love (The greatest Lesson in this Life). I decree this As my Foundation. I am 1% an Individual who is indivisible. I can not be divided amongst myself. I choose to be invisible to all that does not serve me. Allowing the symbology of yesterday to fade away and draw new symbols to carry me forth into new understandings, connections, collaborations, co operations cohesions and Co existence with the Miracle Emergence of Divine Minded Humanity. I am allowing the need for Class, Prestige and Title to fall away from my vision (as if this was a worthy life expenditure) I give my Next breathe to wholeness and the path that promises more of this. I act upon the Law One and activate the Law Of Attraction in my life. I use as My Motto. I am here to Serve. I offer as my currency and full energy exchange. Hour for hour (timebanks) service for service (trade banks) Brainstorming and Activation (Play Banks) and Leisure (Self Bank) I activate the 4 Agreements with the Humanity, Earth, Galaxy, Universe and all that my eyes have not seen, heard, tasted, touched, smelt, intuited, or known. Asking for the introduction to all and the ability to remain one. I am Aeon. Pi. Phlo and I am Universally Sovereign. A free man upon this Vessel traveling through this Universe to a Sustainable Future that Supports all. A future that truly knows the meaning of No man left behind, but also understands the Wisdom of No child and No Woman left behind. NO ONE LEFT BEHIND. We came to serve all. We are all. I SEE YOU. I AM YOU. I LOVE YOU. I BLESS YOU.
What do we feel has to be done, why? What we can do now. What do we have to offer now. Land? Homes? Truth? Teaching? Activation? Methods? Healings? True Wisdom? Networks? Fun Raising of Capital? Assets? Time? Hands? Services? All of the Above Or none? What will you do today to make your life better tomorrow?
This is what they do when they plan....let us use it as a model of our Implementations. I like the idea of building a business based on a Medicine Wheel. With the Core being Universal Sovereignty.

I look forward to sharing with you all. Lets Begin. Bring people to this Cause and develop within the Circle. We do not need Factions apart we need to all work within and allow the Factions to be supported by the Core Course of Freedom.
It does not matter where you come from. We can move out of judgements, because honestly people when your lied to how you can you be held accountable for where you ended up. What matters is where your willing to come from now. It does not matter what lies were told to you (that you bought over and over again) you can prevent another lie tomorrow, by being true to you and learning the very powerful tool of intuition and resonance or truth tests. You can prevent another lie today, by speaking your truth and let others know, who support you, where your at. You can prevent another lie, by stepping up for yourself and taking that stance as 1% that is ready and willing to be of service. You can learn to be unafraid, because we join hands in a circle of those who have seen our way. We can move as One in the truth that we create.
Today I create my Cornerstone of Freedom upon Peace (inner grounding) Joy (that path of NO RESISTANCE) Harmony (Being ONE with all that IS) and Love (The greatest Lesson in this Life). I decree this As my Foundation. I am 1% an Individual who is indivisible. I can not be divided amongst myself. I choose to be invisible to all that does not serve me. Allowing the symbology of yesterday to fade away and draw new symbols to carry me forth into new understandings, connections, collaborations, co operations cohesions and Co existence with the Miracle Emergence of Divine Minded Humanity. I am allowing the need for Class, Prestige and Title to fall away from my vision (as if this was a worthy life expenditure) I give my Next breathe to wholeness and the path that promises more of this. I act upon the Law One and activate the Law Of Attraction in my life. I use as My Motto. I am here to Serve. I offer as my currency and full energy exchange. Hour for hour (timebanks) service for service (trade banks) Brainstorming and Activation (Play Banks) and Leisure (Self Bank) I activate the 4 Agreements with the Humanity, Earth, Galaxy, Universe and all that my eyes have not seen, heard, tasted, touched, smelt, intuited, or known. Asking for the introduction to all and the ability to remain one. I am Aeon. Pi. Phlo and I am Universally Sovereign. A free man upon this Vessel traveling through this Universe to a Sustainable Future that Supports all. A future that truly knows the meaning of No man left behind, but also understands the Wisdom of No child and No Woman left behind. NO ONE LEFT BEHIND. We came to serve all. We are all. I SEE YOU. I AM YOU. I LOVE YOU. I BLESS YOU.
What do we feel has to be done, why? What we can do now. What do we have to offer now. Land? Homes? Truth? Teaching? Activation? Methods? Healings? True Wisdom? Networks? Fun Raising of Capital? Assets? Time? Hands? Services? All of the Above Or none? What will you do today to make your life better tomorrow?
This is what they do when they plan....let us use it as a model of our Implementations. I like the idea of building a business based on a Medicine Wheel. With the Core being Universal Sovereignty.
I look forward to sharing with you all. Lets Begin. Bring people to this Cause and develop within the Circle. We do not need Factions apart we need to all work within and allow the Factions to be supported by the Core Course of Freedom.
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